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How Do I sign up?

Please email Roger Sweetman with a one-page proposal for the paper you would like to write before 10th September 2018. The purpose of this proposal is to help us identify mentors to help you with your paper, and, if needed, to match you with other workshop participants to build a transdisciplinary team.

Submission for both tracks are expected to include:

  1. A brief description of your paper idea

  2. Target journal you are aiming at

  3. If relevant, what is the current challenge with the paper, on which you would like to receive advice from mentors and peers?

  4. Where applicable, indicate the area in which your paper / your team of co-authors needs a “boost” (e.g., theory, methods, data, framing or positioning of the research problem, etc.)

  5. Author(s) names and affiliations. If you are working on your paper as part of a team, please list all the participants and identify the corresponding author.

  6. If relevant – indicate if you would like to be matched with other workshop participants to form a new transdisciplinary team, or if your current team would like to be matched with additional team members with specific complementary expertise. If you would like to be matched, please also indicate what your core areas of expertise are (what you can bring to a new team) or what areas of expertise your team would like to be matched.


If you have any queries about this event, please contact a member of the steering group below.

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